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The following changes have been made to WhoCrashed 7.10 since last version
Certain dump files could not be analyzed due to a buffer overflow error
Certain crash dump files could not be analyzed with WhoCrashed because of a "buffer overflow error". This would cause the program to terminate. This bug has been fixed.
Updated debug DLLs
The debug DLL versions used for analyzing crash dumps have been updated.
Wrong bugcheck analysis problem fixed
WhoCrashed could draw the wrong conclusion analyzing certain crash dumps. The analysis process has been improved to prevent this.
Clicking on "cancel" during dump analysis could produce unexpected behavior
Clicking the cancel button while a dump analysis process was in progress could give unexpected results. This problem has been fixed.
After clicking on "cancel" when prompted to download symbols, analysis would proceed
When prompted to download symbol files, WhoCrashed would anyway proceed with the analysis process after clicking the cancel button. This problem has been fixed.
Minor changes and improvements
Several minor changes and improvements have been applied to WhoCrashed which are not being specified.
The following changes have been made to WhoCrashed 7.06 since last version
WhoCrashed could display an error message at startup
WhoCrashed could display an error message (0xC0000412) at startup. This should be fixed finally.
The following changes have been made to WhoCrashed 7.05 since last version
Support for latest bugchecks
Descriptions and support have been added for the latest bugchecks, according to Microsoft documentation.
Updated debug engine
The debug engine version has been updated.
WhoCrashed could display an error message at startup
WhoCrashed could display an error message (0xC0000412) at startup, hopefully this has been fixed.
Password masked off for remote connection
When analyzing a remote system, the password that is requested is now masked off.
The following changes have been made to WhoCrashed 7.01 since last version
Problems fixed running on Windows 7, 8 or 8.1
When running WhoCrashed v 7.00 on Windows 7, 8 or 8.1, an error message could appear and the program would not run. This has been fixed.
Bug fixed: loaded modules view would not clear
When analyzing multiple dump files using the Dump Details view, the loaded modules view would not clear. This has been fixed.
Bug fixed: certain messages were not readable on lower resolution desktops
When running on a desktop with a lower resolution, certain messages were not readable. This has been fixed.
Bug fixed: bug check analysis process could prompt for input
On certain systems, the bug check analyis process could prompt you with security messages. This has been fixed.
Copy to clipboard context menu added on all views
Now all views allow you to copy items to the clipboard by using a right-click context menu.
Minor changes, text corrections and improvements
Some minor changes and improvements have been applied to WhoCrashed which are not being specified.
The following changes have been made to WhoCrashed 7.00 since last version
Support for Windows 11
WhoCrashed now supports Windows 11.
Support for latest bugchecks
WhoCrashed now supports all latest bugchecks with updated analysis and descriptions, including those which were introduced with Windows 11.
Significantly improved analysis speed
The crash dump analysis process is now significantly faster than before, even if symbol files need to be downloaded.
Command-line options added allowing automation
Several command-line options have been added which allow you to run WhoCrashed from a scheduled task or batch file and have the analysis report saved to a file automatically. Command-line options can be found here.
Analysis taking place in a separate thread
Analysis now takes place in a separate thread. This prevents the message "not responding" from occurring if the user would start clicking while analysis was in progress.
Improved analysis algorithms
The analysis algorithms used to find the root causes of system crashes have been thoroughly revised and improved. We have tested a long list of bugchecks that we have collected from the wild to make sure the proper analysis details are displayed for every single dump file.
In-depth analysis for several bugchecks
In-depth analysis with special guidance has been added for a number of system crashes.
Special support for memory corruption bugchecks
For crash dumps that were caused by memory corruption, special guidance is provided. An article about the topic has been published on our website as well.
Option added to analyze a single crash dump file
The option to analyze only a single crash dump file has been added.
New tools menu offers a list of useful tools
A new tools menu offers several useful tools at your fingertips which help you maintain and check the health of your system.
Improved crash dump details
The crash dump details tool has been significantly improved. It doesn't require the analysis process to be repeated. Also a bug has been fixed that could cause the program to crash with an access violation.
Improved high DPI support
Visibility has been improved for systems with high DPI.
Bug fixed: support for WinGet
A bug has been fixed that prevented the software from getting updated using the WinGet tool. The version number of the program is now properly displayed in the Add/Remove programs applet.
Bug fixed: driver paths displayed as kernel object paths
In previous versions, the full path of driver files could be presented as kernel object paths instead of common user-mode file paths. This has been fixed.
Formatted tables in analysis report
The analysis report is now presented with tables which improves readability.
Improved progress screen with cancel option
The screen that is presented during the analysis process now displays a progress bar that is updated frequently during the process. A cancel button has been added to stop the analysis process at any time.
Analysis time displayed in report
The analysis report now displays the time that the analysis process has taken.
Restore default configuration option added
An option has been added to restore WhoCrashed to its default configuration.
Popup menus added to views
Popup menus have been added to most views which allow you to copy selected data to the clipboard.
Several other changes
Several other changes and corrections have been applied to the software which are not being specified.
The following changes have been made to WhoCrashed 6.70 since last version
Problem fixed: running on Windows 8 and 8.1
When running WhoCrashed on Windows 8 or 8.1, an error message could appear and the software would not run. This has been fixed.
Minor changes, text corrections and improvements
Some minor changes, improvements and text corrections have been applied to the software.
WhoCrashed Home Edition expired
WhoCrashed Home Edition would display a message that is has expired. Expiration has been turned off.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 6.65 since last version
Support for Windows XP and Vista restored
Support for Windows XP and Windows Vista broke with the previous release. This has been fixed.
Minor changes
Minor changes have been applied to the software which are not being specified.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 6.61 since last version
Problem fixed registering the professional edition
A problem has been fixed related to the registration of the professional version of the product.
Windows 10 version number displayed
When running on Windows 10, the Windows build number is now displayed along with the version number.
Unspecified updates and changes
Several minor updates and changes have been applied to the software which are not specified.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 6.60 since last version
Option added to have crash dumps reported in order of preference
A new option has been added that allows you to have crash dumps sorted in order of occurence, latest first, oldest first or sorted in alphabetical order.
Option added to have directories analyzed without searching in subdirectories
The remote analysis menu now offers the option to search crash dump directories with subdirectories included or without.
Limited number of crash dumps disabled by default for remote directories
The option to limit the number of crash dumps when analyzing a remote directory or share is disabled by default. An option has been added that allows you to select whether this is desired.
Bug fixed: dumps view was not functional
The dumps view was not functional and would remain blank. This has been fixed.
Bug fixed: progress window could remain visible
The window that shows the list of crash dump files currently being analyzed could remain visible when operations were completed. This has been fixed.
Bug fixed: number of logical processors misreported on systems with more than 32CPUs
On systems running with more than 32 logical processors, the number of processors was misreported. This has been fixed.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 6.50 since last version
Improved reporting and culprit detection for a number of bugchecks
For a number of bugchecks, WhoCrashed is better equipped to analyze bugcheck parameters and pinpoint the offending driver.
Improved corrupted crash dump reporting
It's not uncommon for crash dump files to be corrupted, but often it points to problems in the storage stack such as a malfunctioning drive. Documentation and guidance on corrupted files has been updated.
Warning message if symbol resolution is not enabled
If symbol resolution is not enabled, WhoCrashed will display a warning message on analysis. This option can be switched off.
Reminder that downloading of symbols can take an extended amount of time
If symbols need to be downloaded for the analysis process, it can take a long time. We added a warning message to make the user aware of this. This option can be switched off.
Home Edition conditions changed
The home edition of WhoCrashed would not run if a domain controller was detected. The current version of WhoCrashed allows you to run the software for 21 days even if you are part of a domain network.
Registration information displayed in About Box
Registered customers can find back their license information in the About Box as soon as the software has been registered.
Unspecified changes, improvements and text corrections
Certain changes, improvements and text corrections have been applied to the software which are not being specified.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 6.02 since last version
Improved algorithm finding culprit drivers
For certain bugchecks, WhoCrashed is better equipped to detect the underlying culprits.
WhoCrashed Home Edition would expire November 1st
The home edition of WhoCrashed would not function after November 1st.
Unspecified changes and improvements
Some changes hape been applied to the software which are not being specified.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 6.01 since last version
Bug fixed: remote analysis
When connecting to a remote machine for analysis, an access violation message could appear and the program could crash. This has been fixed.
Small corrections
Some small corrections and updates have been applied to the software which have not been specified here.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 6.00 since version 5.54
Support for latest versions of Windows 10
WhoCrashed is now supported on the latest editions of Windows 10, including Windows 10 build 17025.
In-depth bug check analysis
This version of WhoCrashed offers in-depth bug check analysis, offering better chances of finding exact causes of system chrashes. In-depth analysis includes techniques such as IRP and device object analysis, multi processor stacks and more.
Bug check descriptions updated, extended support for several bug checks
Support for all the latest bug check codes that have recently been added to Windows. For all bug checks, descriptions have been updated with more detailed information.
Special support for system watchdog bug checks
For certain bug checks such as 0x133 (DPC_WATCHDOG_FAILURE), special analysis and guidance is provided.
Support for multiple crash dump directories
The analysis of WhoCrashed is not limited to a single crash dump directory. It now allows you to select a number of crash dump directories of your choice.
Support for live kernel reports
This version adds support for Live Kernel Reports, which are mainly dump files that were written out while the system was running without crashing the system.
Internal driver database
The software now makes use of a database of common driver files. This allows the software to look up details about a driver file in case the dump file that was analyzed came from a remote machine and the driver file is not locally available.
Crash Dumps optionally processed in order of date/time
An option has been added to have crash dump files analyzed in order of the date/time stamps of the crashes rather than in alphabetical order.
License key required
The professional edition of WhoCrashed v6 requires a license key to be entered the first time it's run.
BUG FIXED: Remote Analysis could fail
When performing analysis on a remote system or analysis on crash dump files that did not originate from the system that WhoCrashed was running on, the software could make wrong assumptions which could cause the analysis to fail or produce any useful results. This has been fixed.
Unspecified bugs fixed and changes made
A number of unspecified bugs have been fixed and changes have been made.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 5.54 since version 5.53
BUG FIXED: The program could crash and show an access violation
In certain situations, the software could crash and display an access violation message. This has been fixed.
BUG FIXED: Displayed list of currently processed crash dumps could have same dump file listed twice
When performing analysis, the list of currently processed crash dumps could have the same crash dump file listed twice. This has been fixed.
Minor minor updates, improvements and text corrections
Several unspecified updates, improvements and text corrections have been applied to the software.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 5.53 since version 5.52
BUG FIXED: WhoCrashed was not properly downloading symbols on certain Windows versions
On certain Windows versions, WhoCrashed would not download symbols. As a result, symbol analysis would not take place and analysis conclusions could be indecisive or incomplete. This problem has been fixed.
Updated report texts for various bug checks
Report texts have been updated for various bug checks. In particular, the list of problems that can be caused by overheated systems has been updated.
Several minor updates and improvements
Several minor updates and improvements have been applied to the software which are not being specified.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 5.52 since version 5.51
Compatibility with Windows 10 Preview Builds
WhoCrashed would not run on certain Windows 10 Preview builds. An error message would popup. This has been fixed.
Support for recently introduced bugchecks
WhoCrashed now supports several recently introduced bug check error codes.
Text corrections
Several text corrections have been applied to the software interface.
Minor updates and changes
Unspecified updates changes have been applied to the software.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 5.51 since version 5.03
Blurred fonts fixed on Windows 10
When running WhoCrashed on Windows 10, the interface could appear blurred when enlarged fonts were enabled. Now the interface of WhoCrashed will scale properly
according to the system font size.
Bug fixed: WhoCrashed would not run on Windows Vista 32-bit editions
WhoCrashed v5.50 would not run properly on Windows Vista 32-bit. This has been fixed.
Support for Windows XP has been reintroduced
Because of demand, we have added back support for Windows XP.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 5.50 since version 5.03
Support for Windows 10
WhoCrashed now supports Windows 10. Previous version would not run on Windows 10.
Support for Windows XP has been dropped
Starting with v 5.50, WhoCrashed no longer runs on Windows XP.
Progress dialog now displays dump file names
When waiting for the crash dump analysis process to complete, now a dialog is displayed that displays the file that is currently being analyzed.
Several minor improvements and text corrections
Several unspecified improvements have been applied to the software and report text has been corrected at several places.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 5.03 since version 5.02
Support for multiple crash dump directories
If the crash dump directory is configured to be different from the default one, WhoCrashed now looks into multiple directories for crash dumps.
Report text updates
Several corrections have been applied to the report text that WhoCrashed generates.
Minor updates and changes
Unspecified updates changes have been applied to the software.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 5.02 since version 5.01
Option to prevent Windows from deleting dump files was greyed out even on Windows 7 and higher.
The option to prevent Windows from deleting dump files was greyed out even on Windows 7 and higher. This has been fixed so that
it is finally funcitonal.
Report text updates
Several corrections have been applied to the report text that WhoCrashed generates.
Unspecified updates
Several unspecified updates have been applied to the software.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 5.01 since version 5.00.
Links are now opening in default browser
Links from the WhoCrashed report view would always open in Internet Explorer. This has been fixed so that new windows are opened
using the default browser.
Report text updates
Several corrections have been applied to the report text that WhoCrashed generates.
Minor fixes and changes
Several minor fixes and changes have been applied to the software that remain unspecified.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 5.00 since version 4.02.
Support for Windows 8.1
WhoCrashed now supports Windows 8.1. Previous versions would not run on this Windows version, throwing an error message.
New option: Stop Windows from deleting memory dump files
A new option allows you to control a registry value which stops Windows from deleting memory dump files in case disk space is low.
Remote connections with different user and credentials
WhoCrashed now offers the option to supply a separate username and password when connecting to a remote machine for analysis. In previous editions, the
user running WhoCrashed was expected to have administrator privileges on the remote machine. Now there is an option to supply different credentials
in case the user running WhoCrashed does not have sufficient access rights to the remote machine.
Hardware information displayed in report
Hardware information including the system manufacter and system board name is included in the report that WhoCrashed generates.
Bug fixed: wrong information was displayed
Wrong information was displayed in case no third party offending driver was found. This has been fixed.
Minor fixes and corrections
Minor fixes, corrections and updates have been applied to the software.
The changes that were made to WhoCrashed 4.02 are unspecified.
Faster symbol resolution
The professional edition of WhoCrashed now does faster symbol resolution which results in faster analysis.
Improved crash dump test
WhoCrashed now adds text to the report with explains the meaning of bug checks that were generated because of the crash dump test tool.
This section describes changes that were made to WhoCrashed 4.00 since version 3.
Support for Windows 8 and Windows 2012 Server
The new version of WhoCrashed supports both 32-bit and x64 editions of the latest Windows versions.
New feature: analysis of live remote systems
The professional edition of WhoCrahsed now allows you to do analysis on live remote computers. It means it is no
longer required to have access to the remote share on which crash dumps are located. The otpion to analyze a remote directory
rather than a live system is still available.
New feature: crash dump test
The crash dump test is a new feature that allows you to manually crash your computer for the purpose of testing
if crash dump files are getting written out properly. (Warning: use at your own risk).
New feature: crash dump configuration
WhoCrashed allows you direct access to the crash dump configuration in System Recovery Settings.
New feature: export options
WhoCrashed now allows you to export the main report to a HTML file. Also the contents of any of the views can be exported to a CSV text file.
Internet Explorer 7 added to the list of requirements
WhoCrashed requires that you have a version of Internet Explorer 7 or higher installed.
Bug fixed: after a corrupt full memory dump was analyzed, the output of all subsequent crash dump analysis was erratic
Due to a bug, WhoCrashed would display (Unknown) as the culprit driver on any subsequent crash dump analysis after a corrupt
full memory dump had been opened. This has been fixed.
Bug fixed: options not saved across sessions
The settings in the Advanced Options dialog were not saved and restored between sessions. This has been fixed.
Bug fixed: dump details settings were not saved across sessions
The settings in the Dump Details dialog were not saved and restored between sessions. This has been fixed.
Bug fixed: access violation when exiting the program
When exiting WhoCrashed, an access violation message could appear. This has been fixed.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 3.03 since version 3.01
Some minor fixes and text corrections
Some minor fixes and text corrections have been made.
License agreement updated
The license agrement of both home and pro editions of the software has been updated.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 3.01 since version 3.00
In rare cases crash dump directory could not be found
In rare cases, WhoCrashed failed to properly detect the current crash dump directory resulting in no crash dumps found. This
has been fixed.
Amount of installed RAM and virtual memory misreported on systems with more than 4GB
On systems with more than 4GB RAM installed, WhoCrashed failed to properly report the amount of installed RAM and available virtual memory. This
has been fixed.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 3.00 since version 2.20:
No longer requires download and installation of WinDbg package unless running on Windows XP or older
WhoCrashed no longer needs to download and install the WinDbg debugger package from Microsoft. Only if you are still running Windows XP or Windows 2000 this
is still required. For all later operating system versions (Windows Vista, Windows 7, etc) it will run without requiring you to download and install
additional software packages. This saves installation time.
More detailed analysis reports and crash dump information
Analysis reports now displays additional information including amount of up time, operating system versions and system information such
as number of active processors at the time of the crash. Conclusions will now also include the likely nature of a problem (faulty hardware, a
thermal issue, typical software problem, typical case of memory corruption, etc.)
Documentation assisting you in troubleshooting
WhoCrashed now comes with better documentation. Depending on any particular situation, it will assist you in
undertaking steps to troubleshoot existing problems right from the conclusion section in the analysis report
Support and information on obscure and rare bug checks
WhoCrashed now recognize less common, obscure, proprietary and rare bug checks.
Symbol Resolution (professional version)
The new version of WhoCrashed offers optional and configurable symbol resolution. It can extract symbols from a local symbol store or from the Microsoft symbol server
automatically. This will allow for more informational call stacks and accurate crash dump analysis conclusions.
Kernel call stack information (professional version)
The new version offers kernel call stack information which includes names of kernel modules and function names for Microsoft modules
if symbol resolution has been switched on.
Loaded module information (professional version)
The new version offers kernel call stack information which includes names of kernel modules and function names for Microsoft modules
if symbol resolution has been switched on.
Detailed crash dump information (professional version)
Crash dump overview (all versions)
The new version of WhoCrahsed offers a handy overview which gives quick insight on all system crashes that took place on a particular machine.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 2.10 since version 2.00:
Bug fixed: crash dump dates could get misreported
In some cases where the case crash dump files were overwritten by the system, WhoCrashed could misreport the date and time
of the crash. This has been fixed
Support for latest WinDbg
The WinDbg version on which WhoCrash relies has been updated to point to the latest package.
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 2.00 since version 1.01:
Support for Windows 7
WhoCrashed now support all versions of Windows 7.
Corrupt or inaccessible crash dump files are now listed
Due to the nature of crash dump files, it's common for them to be corrupt or incomplete. WhoCrashed now
displays an error message for every crash dump file that was found but could not be read.
More meaningful messages produced
WhoCrashed displays more meaningful error messages which may help you to find the cause of your problem. Bug check
error message strings have been updated for the latest operating systems.
· General Recommendations and Tips · Unexpected Resets and Shutdowns
The following changes were made to WhoCrashed 4.01 since version 4.00.
WhoCrashed documentation and articles
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Page generated on 3/24/2025 5:11:42 PM. Last updated on 10/21/2024 7:36:01 PM.