Importing and Exporting Registry Keys
Registrar Registry Manager allows you to import and export
both Windows registration files and registry hive files.
Importing registration files
To import a registration file, choose Import .reg file from the File menu. You will be given the option to browse to your .reg file. After selecting, the contents of the file will be imported (merged) into the local registry.
Exporting registration files
In order to export a registry key, ensure the key you wish to export is selected (its title will also be displayed in the address bar). Now choose Export .reg file from the File menu. If you wish to export the entire registry, select the top of the tree (titled Registry). Note that only the rootkeys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_USERS get exported because all other rootkeys are included (they can be found as subkeys of any of these two rootkeys).
Warnings about Registration files
RegEdit compatible registration files
are suitable for creating distributable registry scripts but should not be used
for backing up or storing data. Because of bugs in all existing versions of
regedit.exe, certain registry values which got exported in a registration file
may just get ignored when reimported. This problem exists with both ANSI and UNICODE
reg files.
Because Registrar uses the same format of registration file as regedit.exe, you
cannot solve this problem by using Registrar for importing and exporting
registration files.
It is also possible that certain registry keys do not get exported
because the user who is currently logged on may have insufficient permissions to read
them. Typically, a reg file does not contain any information on classes, security, permissions
and ownership settings.
To backup your registry, choose Backup Registry from the File menu, or read more on Backing up and Restoring your registry
Online Help Topics
· Product Description and Features · Registrar Command Line Edition
About the Registry
· About Windows 64-bit editions
Editing the Registry
Registry Tools
· Registry Defragmentation Tool · Advanced Registry Compare Tool
Registry Security
Registry Files
· Importing and Exporting Registry Files
Remote Registry Editing
Advanced Options
· Commandline Options for rr.exe/rr64.exe
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Page generated on 3/31/2025 11:47:53 PM. Last updated on 9/19/2019 12:20:35 PM.